
As guest blogged on http://americanmoderateparty.blogspot.com/ 02 July 2006

The New Media Political Waves Are Just Beginning

First things first. Thank you Peter very much!

My name is Alex Hammer and I am an Independent candidate for Governor of Maine. Our campaign website is www.hammer2006.politicalgateway.com

This type of "guest blogging" is, I believe, merely one illustration of this new media that is taking politics by storm. How far these waves go, and in what directions, will impact what our country looks like going forward, so each of our efforts are very important as there is much at stake.

Our collective influence will be determined by the individual and collective visions that all those in the "new media" (joining those in the "traditional media") are able to productively harness. While I am focused most heavily on Maine, I look forward to continuing to learn (and hopefully be included!) from others also using these same powerful forces that are impacting all of us in all corners.

Blogs - One Opportunity to Influence (and Perhaps Increasingly Dominate) Your World

With more and more people getting their news (and commentary) online, the role and respect for individual citizens (and groups of them) with something to say, and a primed audience waiting for that content and responding to it, is, in the positive sense of the terms, mushrooming and exploding. And traditional media forces, not laying down for this fight, are playing now also with an entire host of new and expanding interactive and communication tools.

An Extended Way of Doing Business

Clearly something significant is going on here.When things are changing this quickly, the expression "Lead, follow or get out of the way" takes on, I would say, greater meaning. Think of the get out of the way part. Those oblivious to the impact of emerging citizen led media forces truly (to borrow another expression) "ignore them at their own peril" and run the risk of simply getting trampled.


Irrelevant or left behind.

That is (obviously) not what we want to happen to us or you would (I imagine) want to have happen to you. Hammer For Maine Governor has been focused, from the onset, in embracing (in addition to welcoming and being appreciative of traditional media attention) developed and developing citizen based and alternative "new media".

And there is a growing momentum to such efforts. Like attracts to like. And those that are ahead in these practices associate with and recommend those that they know and respect to other media leaders or trailblazers and the opportunities in this way to very quickly ramp up to a significant and large audience grows, over time, almost exponentially.

Maine and the World

Hammer for Maine Governor has developed (we're so shy, but it's true) the most sophisticated and insightful economic and overall solutions for Maine of any candidate in the race for Maine Governor. Those that live here know how badly we need them.

Being aware and connected with the larger contexts in which Maine resides aids in efficiently utilizing and promoting solutions for the benefit of our state. On top of the significant Maine media that we have received we are now also receiving increased National coverage from both "new media" and "traditional" sources.

Maine is a state with a fierce independent political history, including two Independent Governors over the last approximately 30 years (James Longley 1975-1979 and Angus King 1995-2003). For a relatively small state, Maine has had its share (or more) of recent politicians of national prominence, including: George Mitchell, Ed Muskie, Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, Margaret Chase Smith and Bill Cohen as a few examples. Successful Maine politicians are known for embodying high standards of quality (highly principled and effective), and generally as pragmatic, collaborative problem-solvers, able to reach across party lines to find solutions and as productively independent thinkers.

Future Wave

Impacts I believe that politicians as well as policy and political decisions are now capable of being more scrutinized than ever, and this is a good thing. In this truly 24 hour always on news cycle every event can be debated and discussed.

Even more than this we are entering the age of "participatory government" and by extension "participatory politics". Such increased citizen involvement, has the potential I believe, if it is demanded, to hold politicians to account to provide more than "sound bite" answers or what I refer to as "dessert politics".The challenges in Maine and throughout our country are, as most I believe by now clearly recognize, quite real and significant. Now, perhaps more than ever, there are the tools and the opportunities to examine the candidates in greater depth to determine exactly who does (and does not!) provide the most viable solutions. We are, or can be, to borrow still another phrase, our own "Army of one".

Riding the Wave (or at Least Not Getting Trampled!)

At Hammer for Maine Governor we work hard to continue to look for (and hopefully find) deeper and more meaningful ways in which to embrace what we believe are the exciting times in which we live.

Real opportunities for dramatic success will increasingly reside with those who can get out in front and positively leverage the great tides of change that are occurring globally, nationally and locally rather than (there's always that other side!) getting swept aside (or under) due to a lack of awareness or adaptation.I look forward to working with all of you, in and outside of Maine, that also feel these opportunities, and this call.Now, in this world in which we find ourselves, the opportunities for breakaway success are not to be missed.

Continuing best wishes and thank you,

Alex Hammer

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blizzard warnings were issued as a service to parts of Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin as snow socked the states in tandem with hot air gusts topping 45 miles (72 kilometers) per hour.
The blizzard -- 10 days sooner than the birth of winter -- took its greatest levy in Minnesota, where as much as two feet (61 centimeters) of snow had fallen in some locations, according to the Country-wide Weather Secondment (NWS).
The splendour's largest burg Minneapolis was junior to a blanket of off-white 17 inches (43 cm) deep, the worst snowfall to bat the city in more than 19 years and the fifth-biggest on record.
As an indicator of the storm's oppressiveness, Minneapolis-St. Paul Universal Airport -- a travel heart with expertise in contending with foul weather -- was shush down for the purpose the maiden time in years.

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