
Slick Hillary?

I've always been interested in reading about the lives of successful people. Probably around the time that I started planning to run for Governor of Maine for 2006 (e.g. I started focusing on political books and political autobiographies.

The Political Elite

The most fascinating political autobiographies I have ever read have been from former recent Presidents. What does it feel like to be President of the United States? How did they get there? What are the responsibilities? Reading a few of these works (no names) I was struck how the events presented - sometimes for some and often for others - did not reconcile with my own memory of events in some cases (for more recent events, I'm only 41). Or with what I had later read about earlier events.


This discrepancy led me to read biographies of the Presidents whose autobiographies I had read. Being President usually there are several biographies to choose from, and I would read as many of these as I had time for.

Reading about Bill Clinton I was struck by how much of the content focused also on Hillary even though it was a book about Bill. Then, at the time a potential Presidential candidate herself, I started reading Hillary Clinton's autobiography. And you might be surprised to hear that I found a good percentage of the number of biographies on Hillary as I had for Bill, and Bill was someone the press absolutely loved to write about.

Background and Context

I am upfront that I am not an expert on Hillary Clinton. I try and stay very well informed and have my own opinions like anybody else. One thing that struck me across biographies of Presidents is that scandals have arisen and criticisms significantly leveled against occupants of both parties. So, for me it's not about being for one side or against the other.

Having as mentioned run for Governor myself, I have my own view of the media. Although I received a bit of National attention (not a huge amount) I realize that Maine is a small state and that the media in Maine may or may not reflect substantially that of the nation as a whole.

My direct perception of the media is that the majority (and I am close to saying the vast majority) are highly professional and serious in their efforts. I also have been a journalist and ran a publishing media company for ten years. Some media, and this was disappointing to more fully discover, do in my view have agendas. And a small amount are dishonest. This was actually a surprise to me, because I am an optimistic person and I like to believe the best about people. I guess that this is a long way of saying, in regard to Presidents, etc., that yes don't believe everything you read. At the same time, however, I also do believe that where there is smoke a good percentage of the time there is also some fire, which may be a large fire or a small one. And sometimes there is only smoke.

Slick Hillary?

I am writing this column today because I think there is a double standard between how Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are being judged. Hillary's camp says that any reference to difficulties in Bill's past (I guess including as President) are below the belt, but Obama has been attacked by the press (I am not saying Hillary has any role in it at all, for the record I don't know, although there have been specific and general reports regarding Hillary from the past and continuing, and the candidate herself indicates generally that she believes in meeting political attacks (threats?) fiercely) in regard to where he attended school as a child, and also for old parking tickets etc.

I haven't studied him significantly, but my initial impression is that Obama is a positive political phenomenon, although perhaps currently too inexperienced to be President. I think also as the "new candidate on the block" that it's also fair for him, as it would be for any candidate, to be respectfully put through the paces.

I am an Independent, not a Republican or Democrat, and for the record at this time would be excited about the candidacy of NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg were he decide to enter the Presidential race. In many races there is not a viable or strong Independent or one I agree with, so in those cases I'll vote either for a Democrat or a Republican that I am most impressed with.

The Final Analysis

I believe it is fair to say that Hillary has had more than her fair share of smoke across her husband's particularly and her political career. Whether or to what degree there is fire associated with that smoke for Hillary is an individual determination for each voter to make. Personal experience can and I think does carry weight in shaping one's views, and I do have a little experience relative to Bill Clinton personally (none with Hillary) as documented on my 2006 campaign website from Political Gateway (

In sum, I do admire political toughness in any candidate, including as most would recognize I believe in the lives of Hillary and also Bill Clinton. That toughness, I believe, needs always to stay within proper and appropriate bounds.

The last thing I would ever want (how about you?) is to be on Hillary's bad side.

Alex Hammer

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