
Joe Klein in TIME - How Rudy Won the Second Debate

"And then there's the libertarian Congressman Ron Paul who seems like your uncle the bartender who has a Big Theory about everything: some of his ideas are brilliant, others weird."



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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That article is rediculous. I personally thought Rudy was a jackass. I am 28 years old and disgusted with politics in general. Until Ron Paul.

The media is trying to discredit Dr. Paul by initializing emotial responses to sway public view without any factual evidence whatsoever.

While Ron Paul consistantly gives precident after precident of what he is saying and why he is saying it. Honestly, the republican party owe him an apology. The media is demonizing this man who has been fighting for the constitution for years and has history of loving this country. I cannot say the same for the the past presidential candidates and definately not for those who are running for office now.

I can barely watch the mass media channels because they are focused on ideas that are a) sidestepping the real issues and burying candidates and b) talking about issues such as abortion which have absolutely no place in the mouths of any Federal Lawmaker nor the Supreme courts past the state level.

Or was all those classes about American History and American Government I took in Highschool and College just another far fetched Fiction class?

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