
(Fred Thompson Tops National Poll) - 2008 Republican Presidential Primary -
National Poll: Thompson 28% Giuliani 27%

"The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson earning support from 28% of Likely Republican Primary Voters. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani attracts support from 27%. While Thompson’s one-point edge is statistically insignificant, it is the first time all year that anybody but Giuliani has been on top in Rasmussen Reports polling. A week ago, Thompson and Giuliani were tied at 24%"

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obviously Fred is trying to back door the amnesty bill. He has surrounded himself with people llike Matlin, Cheney, Carville, Rove, Griffen. He is holding back annoucing until after 7/4. Is it a coinscidence that 7/4 is also the same time frame for getting the bill signed? I think not.

He is a extremely dishonest.

This guy is getting paid to campaign from ABC.


Why is Fred allowed to be paid by ABC to campaign? What about the equal time? When do all the other candidates get the same opportunity?

Obviously the guy thinks the American people are fools and wont be the wiser to all his underhanded tactics.

He is nothing more than a puppet of Roves and if he manages to fool the GOP primary voters into giving him the nomination, the GOP will get creamed in the general.

If Fred Thompson wins the nomination, I will immediately go out and register as an independent. I can not in good conscience vote for a completly inept and dishonest candidate. There is too much at stake.

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