
Head of Utah Mine Lowers Expectations

"The decision to call off the rescue effort rests with the mine's owners in consultation with Stickler.

"There's no formula, no check-off list. You gather all the information and rely on your experience and listen to the advice of the people you have there. You have to make a hard decision," Ferriter said.

But Sonny J. Olsen, an attorney acting as spokesmen for the families, said the families have not reached a "grieving point" and had faith that Kerry Allred, a veteran miner, could be keeping the men alive.

"If he survived the initial cave-in, the families are very confident that he himself would have led them to areas where they would have had enough oxygen, and where they could have sustained themselves for weeks," Olsen said."

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There really should have been a better job done of expectation management done during this disaster. Federal government failed a task they should have taken.

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