
Updated: Politics 2.0 Hears Today From Joe Anthony - Twice. Joe: "There isn't really a way to resolve anything between me and the campaign, and these guys certainly have more power than I do!"

Update (5/7):
Joe Anthony Reaches Out to Politics 2.0 - Joe: "This will take time, but believe me, I'm still working day and night to find the best way forward." - By Alex Hammer

Politics 2.0 Hears Today From Joe Anthony - Twice. Joe: "There isn't really a way to resolve anything between me and the campaign, and these guys certainly have more power than I do!"

Joe Writes:
"HI Alex

I read your post, and there's just nothing to abandon.

What's done is done, and I'll clarify anything that needs to be clarified, but I'm not asking for anything.

Hopefully there's a valuable lesson to be learned by all, and the mot positive outcome will be the new debate over the clash of the netroots community and political campaigns.

It's time to move on.



Which is similar to his latest message that he has posted on MySpace:

I replied:

Obviously you will, as you should, make the final determination in regard to how best to handle your situation.

From what I have read, I have admired how you have handled your situation to date, but - as an outsider I could definately be wrong - I just don't think you have the wherewithal (resources, clout) to maybe get a fair shake relative to the big boys.

Maybe the public doesn't really care, I don't know.

Our blog, while well read, also doesn't have the clout of the "biggest boys and girls" out there. We work to do our role to very high standards, and contribute productively what we can.

Good luck, and thank you again for writing.


Alex Hammer

To which Joe replied:

Thanks, Alex.

There isn't really a way to resolve anything between me and the campaign, and these guys certainly have more power than I do!

All I can do is stand my ground and hope for the best.

That probably means just moving on and enjoying my life.

For those that are interested, it certainly is interesting.

Thanks again for writing,


The post Joe refers to is:

Will TechPresident Abandon Joe Anthony?

I also had an earlier post on Joe's MySpace page:


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