
Joe Anthony Backs Down: Obama 1: New Media 0

See Also:
Joe Anthony: My comments on the campaign's official blog on (by Joe Rospars) - Joe Anthony MySpace Post

Politics 2.0 Hears Today From Joe Anthony - Twice. Joe: "There isn't really a way to resolve anything between me and the campaign, and these guys certainly have more power than I do!"

Joe Anthony Challenges Joe Rospars - TechPresident

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Joe Anthony Backs Down: Obama 1: New Media 0

TechPresident has pretty much held this story in its hands:

Well, at least we know that Joe Anthony is not a bully.

I just hope that he's not a little guy getting stepped on.

And is this the kind of President we really want for our country?

We already have one President, the current one, who many people feel has gone considerably too far.

One is enough.

Bloggers of the World, Unite!

The blogosphere (from what I read) while not unanimous seemed to be strongly behind Joe Anthony.

But that doesn't seem to matter.

I guess a few moments of personal contact from Obama is all it takes to end this.

Yeah, that's worth a couple of years of effort.

Years of highly productive effort.

Years of effort to get YOU elected president.

Well, isn't that nice that you stand behind your staff.

And there are so many unanswered questions.

and Joe sounds pretty upset!!

I wonder why? (Sorry to be sarcastic).

Hey, this is how we'll grow the economy. We'll just have people donate massive amount of time for our benefit - apart from their regular jobs - and not pay them.

That's more sarcasm, but I just don't get it.

I've heard some say that it is a new brand of politics.

What am I missing? Doesn't look much different to me.

Alex Hammer
Politics 2.0
See Also: My Comment on - Alex Hammer

Thank you.

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